Why choose coaching for my teen daughter?

If you’re looking for support for your teen daughter or you’re a female (11-21) looking for personal support but unsure about therapy right now, coaching could be the answer! Each teen girl is unique and her supports should be tailored that way also! Coaching focuses on identifying individual needs and helping you achieve those goals. We specialize in helping you boost your confidence, navigate social dynamics (fitting in) while staying true to oneself, and overcoming insecurities to thrive in school, sports, and beyond.


Our coaching supports are currently offered in ENGLISH and SPANISH

1:1 Coaching with Kari

How does coaching benefit teens?

We offer a unique online coaching service for teen girls (11-21). Kari (our amazing teen life coach) is walking the walk on living an intentionally mindful and fulfilling life. Pairing your teen up with someone who has life experience and embodies confidence while living a life that is led with love lets you know she’s in good hands.

Our online coaching support is convenient and accessible for teens to seek support and guidance from the comfort of their own environment. This can be especially helpful for teens who may feel more comfortable expressing themselves through video or written communication rather than face-to-face interactions (yes we offer some text supports!).

You or your teen may be wondering…why not just ask AI?

Many teens ask AI for support around their challenges (so creative right!?!). While there are some great ideas coming out of AI-platforms, our online coaching support provides a personalized experience for your teen daughter that suits her needs. Kari’s empathy, encouragement, and creativity will keep your teen motivated to build her self-confidence, overcome her challenges and achieve her goals.

Happiness Pill Group Coaching Program

If your teen daughter (ages 12 – 18) is ready to:

🧡 Navigate big emotions like anxiety and overwhelm​

🧡 Feel confident in herself from the inside out, including her body image

🧡 Handle anxiety like a BOSS, no longer being deeply impacted by everything others say…

The 6-week Happiness Pill coaching program is for her.

Available virtually and in person.

What’s Included:

  • Six safe, fun and welcoming group coaching sessions guided by two therapists
  • A take-home booklet to keep the info forever
  • BONUS: weekly masterclasses for parents to guide you on this journey

or email us for more information -info@pyramidpsychology.com


Why should I choose coaching instead of therapy?

Every teen has different needs, although therapy is the standard- some teens don’t need to focus on past trauma or healing depression. Some teens are at a good functional level, but just need some support in achieving the lifestyle they desire. So in this sense, coaching can be a lot more effective.

Why don’t I just ask an AI platform?

AI platforms do not offer a personalized experience. AI says what AI is telling everyone and that might not be specific to you, your personality, goals, lifestyle, etc because every teen girl is different. You are also not getting the empathy, kindness and compassion of a human being who has been a teen girl herself and has had many experiences. The way I look at it is, do you prefer to text a computer to hang out or hang out at a cafe with your friend? One just cannot replace the other.

Is coaching covered by insurance?

Typically coaching sessions cost less than a therapy session and can be tailored specifically to boosting confidence and achieving goals. Although it is not covered by insurance, it is a great investment into your teen’s mental health.

Do online coaching supports actually work?

Coaching online offers a number of practical benefits: No travel therefore easy to plan into routine, coaching online can be done from the comfort and privacy of your own home and at a time negotiated suitable for both parties. Being able to experience coaching online means you have access to an expert coach that you might not otherwise get access to in the country you are living in. On top of that, Kari offers coaching services in English and Spanish. Just because it is done online does not mean that you cannot establish a trustful connection. Kari is an empathetic listener and is very attuned to the needs of others. Just try it yourself and see how powerful the experience is!

Can I text Kari outside of my coaching sessions?

Messaging Support: As part of your coaching experience, you have access to messaging support via WhatsApp with Kari between scheduled coaching sessions.
Response Time: Please be aware that messaging support is not intended for immediate responses. Kari will respond to your messages at her earliest convenience.
Limitations: This messaging support is not designed for crisis intervention and should not replace scheduled coaching sessions. It is meant to complement your coaching by providing additional support and value.
Acknowledgment: By participating in messaging support, you acknowledge that responses may not be immediate and that this support does not substitute for direct coaching sessions or crisis support.