Group for Teen Girls

The Happiness Pill: Mental Health Skills for Life

6-Week Coaching Program (YYC)

THP is a 6-week group especially designed for teen girls (ages 12-18) looking to thrive beyond anxiety and overwhelm. We empower them through self-discovery and confidence-building skills and activities. Our focus is on fostering empowering relationships, both with themselves and others, while equipping them with the tools to navigate social situations with confidence. Using mindfulness, self-awareness, and a supportive community, we cultivate resilience and support teen girls to embrace their uniqueness and experience real personal growth.
Teen Mental Girl Teen Girls Teen Girl Group Therapy and coaching teen girls

Help Your Teen Daughter Thrive

By learning how to build Resilience and an Unbreakable Mindset.

What would your daughter’s emotional, physical, social and mental health look like if she had simple-to-use, yet effective practices to improve her overall well-being?

Picture her overcoming anxiety and overwhelm to discover more joy and calm in her daily life.

In 6 weeks we help your teen see:

  • her own confidence to try new things, make friends, and say NO to toxic relationships
  • her skills, resources and strengths
  • she already has what it takes to be resilient in the face of life’s challenges


And for you, in those 6 weeks, we offer:

  • Continuous support to help your daughter continue on her path to thriving
  • Peace of mind, knowing she’s developing the tools to navigate life’s ups and downs with confidence and resilience

This 6-week group coaching program is ideal for teen girls (12-18) who want to:

Navigate big emotions, boost inner confidence, and conquer social anxiety with strength and resilience.

We Equip her with effective tools and strategies to manage overwhelming feelings such as stress and anxiety. Through practical exercises and guidance, she’ll learn to navigate challenging emotions with clarity and calm. We are committed to fostering a strong sense of self-worth and empowerment. We address body image concerns and help her build resilience, enabling her to feel confident and comfortable in her own skin. Your teen will gain skills to confidently navigate social situations. From initiating conversations to managing peer dynamics, she’ll develop assertiveness and social skills that empower her to thrive in social settings.

Our coaching sessions are conducted in-person in YYC and an on-line version across the globe. We keep our groups small enough to ensure personalized attention and a supportive environment. Spots are limited, so secure your daughter’s place today and empower her with essential life skills that will last a lifetime.


Exploring different components of Health Hygiene, their importance to overall wellness, and simple practices that can make big differences.

teen confidence


Explore what awareness and mindfulness can do for you! Discover how to feel your feelings without being completely overwhelmed and feeling more joy and calm throughout your day.


Learn how to face and work through big, uncomfortable emotions – WITHOUT toxic positivity. Explore how you’re currently dealing with your feelings and how to build onto what you’ve got to be even more resilient.


Discover how to have great connections with the people and places around you. Explore what your current relationships are like, and how to build more of the relationships you WANT in your life – including asking for your needs, building your own self-respect, balancing priorities vs expectations from other people, and saying ‘no’.

Group of teens volunteering over summer break.


Explore how you want to BE. A look at what matters to you, your skills, strengths, and self image (including body image). Discover how to change your self-talk to empower you rather than bring you down.


Discover how to integrate everything you have learned in the program into your life going forward, for lasting change. Access resources to support your journey.


Learn how to be your daughter’s best support and advocate as she learns new skills in the program. Discover tools you can use to connect with her on a deeper level, and help her build her resilience- WITHOUT adding more to your to do list. (Six weekly, pre-recorded masterclasses delivered via email).

Hosted by:

Chantal Côté

Chantal is a Registered Psychologist and Coach working with teen girls (and their parents) to thrive by making changes in their lives, increasing confidence, and overcoming feeling anxious, overwhelmed, or shut down a lot of the time. She works with teens through 3 main areas: transforming negative self-talk, creating positive, drama-free relationships, and stepping into their spotlight of what really matters to them.

Since 2013, Chantal has been collaborating with teens from a Whole Life System. This means she looks at all parts of their mental wellness in order to build their resiliency, including their lifestyle, experiences, and biological makeup. She guides teen teens to mine for their personal strengths and resources.

Along her journey, Chantal has gained qualifications in HeartMath, Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), Attachment-Based Parenting, Nutrition for Mental Health, Grief and Loss Training, and Trauma-Focused Training (through expressive arts, yoga, etc.). She has also learned various therapy models including Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Expressive Arts Therapy, and Functional Family Therapy.

Psychologist Teen Life Coach