
Why should I choose coaching over therapy?

There is a lot of misconception and confusion out there surrounding life coaching and traditional psychotherapy. Many people are not sure what life coaching even is- they may have never heard of it. Some people think it’s something to do with getting fitness or health expert advice, some think it’s really just therapy in disguise with someone that may not be licensed, and the list goes on. Traditional psychotherapy is certainly a very popular option (and probably the default option) for most people out there. You have a problem, you talk to a therapist who helps you work through the issue, you feel better. But have you considered that there may be something out there that is even more refined to suit your needs and could help you progress further than you had initially thought?

This is where life coaching comes in.

While traditional psychotherapy can certainly be necessary and needed, it’s not a one-size-fits-all solution; and sometimes it can be better to branch off and explore different avenues for healing. The two can certainly be done at the same time, and sometimes coaching actually cannot even commence until psychotherapy has taken place. It depends on the client, and the situation. A good example of a client who may require both a therapist and a coach could be: a teen that may have gone through a traumatic event, now suffers from many symptoms of PTSD, and her sense of self worth and confidence is so low that she does not feel motivated anymore- but her goal was to be able to speak publicly in front of a large audience.

Therapy can be much more beneficial in treating mental health conditions (including depression, anxiety, PTSD, etc) and focusing on working through that to help bring clients to a healthy and functioning level.

Coaching can be thought of as an action-oriented healing modality where the client is already at a functioning level, but wants to progress much further in life than where they are now. It can be thought of as more focused on the future, where therapy can be focused more on the past. There may be stuck points that coaching clients also need to work through, and a life coach can certainly help with that. Perhaps the client is able to function in their day-to-day tasks, but inside feels disempowered and not living their full potential. Maybe they are limiting themselves, or not even sure of what step to take next in life. These are all things a life coach can dive into with you. Life coaches can help you perform better mentally and emotionally. They can help you work through emotional discomfort and achieve your goals.

A life coach will assess you and your needs and determine if they can assist you with their services. If not, they will refer you to a therapist or another healer that would be more suitable. It is important to note that life coaches are not medical professionals and cannot diagnose or treat mental health conditions. 

However, a big benefit to life coaching is that coaches can meet with anyone, anywhere. Therapists are only able to meet with clients in the province where they live and practice therapy.

There are certainly some crossovers and similarities between therapy and life coaching.

The main thing is that both therapists and coaches share a common goal, and that is to see you succeed! We want to help you better yourself, so you can build a bulletproof mindset and thrive.

If you’ve made it this far and think that coaching is more in alignment with your needs- click here to book a consultation (offered in English or Spanish) with our Teen Life Coach, Kari:

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